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Diana Osborne
Newton Abbot
, Britain
February 26, 2003 at 18:53
I have just found this site and I am so pleased that there
are people out there that understand the condition, if any one would like to talk about it. I have
only had this since June 2002 but am finding it hard to cope with.
Dr. Peter Roscoe
Town and Country, MO
, U.S.A
February 24, 2003 at 20:04
I am a Chiropractic doctor who is certified in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and bandaging for the management of Lymphedema. There is no cure for Lymphedema. People who suffer from Lymphedema must take control of their situations through manual lymphatic drainage, bandaging, proper fitting compression garments, skin and nail care and light excercise to stimulate normal lymphatic flow. You should seek a therapist near you trained in the management of Lymphedema. This may help to reduce the size of the limbs as well as possibly decrease the frequency of infections. This will take alot of commitment on the part of the patient but the results can be very rewarding. There is no "quick fix" for people with lymphedema. I hope I have been of help and good luck to you all.
, Chile
February 23, 2003 at 18:51
I wrote some days ago about a person offering a herbal treatment
for lymphedema. Be careful! A person posted saying she was taking the herbs and they were working.
She said she was Kelly Morgan and her e-mail address was zineeno@zineeno.com. Well, that address does
not exist. She must be part of this fiasco! How can people be so mean? How can they pretend getting
money from diseased people? It's terrible.
February 20, 2003 at 16:51
What kind of herbs & roots are these? Is it something you can buy
at a health food store?
Miu Lucia
, U.S.A
February 18, 2003 at 21:53
Dear Marjorie
I got a mail from Angela Davenport couples of weeks ago. I do not want to take the risk but just gave
it a try since it's never cost me much. I received the herbs on Monday, but I'm skeptical about it, I
don't want to start using it now. Did you ever use yours, I heard someone saying it really works. I
really felt herbs can cure LE and I will do anything to get rid of mine.
Thanks for your good information.
Kelly Morgan
, U.S.A
February 18, 2003 at 18:35
Angela is a really a nice person, I got my herbs last week, it is
really working I can see the improvement.
Marjorie Garrido
, Chile
February 18, 2003 at 17:13
Hi everyone:
I've been here before and I think the work people have done in this site is great. I like coming
and reading other people's stories to know I'm not alone and I'm not suffering something unusual.
This time I want your help. I received a mail that was not addressed to me but another lymphedema
patient. This person,called Angela Davenport proclaimed she was cured from this disease thanks to a
herbal treatment sent to her by an African herbalist. This person has continued sending mails to me
and she told me to be from Kansas City. I contacted this African Herbalist and he told me to send
U$70 for the courier and he would send the herbs and roots. He even gave me the instructions!
Let me tell you this is really tempting but I have this feeling of something weird happening.
This Angela person's english is not a native person one. Has anybody else got this mail?
What do you think about it?????
February 15, 2003 at 07:01
I am a 71 year old male. Had pericarditis and had to have open
heart surgery to strip the pericadeum membrane the 1st part of June 2002. I stayed in the hospital
for 8 weeks. I came out of the hospital with lymphedema in both legs (from the foot to the knee).
From what I've been told this is a permanent disorder that can be treated but never cured.
If anyone had some happy information about this condition please let me know.
Stacy Ramsey
Paris Tx.
, America
February 14, 2003 at 16:45
My Husband was born with few return lymph glands in his legs..
He is on a pump and wears the stockings. But he had surgery due to a blood clot as a result of getting
hit in the knee. Well ever since then he gets recurring staph infections and has to be hospitalized
for about two weeks everytime.... It has happened 8 times so far. And now this time his leg is not
going down like it usually does. We have seen an infection specialist in Dallas and a Vascular
specialist , and they say he is doing all he can , by being on the machine and the stockings,
but it's not keeping the staph away. There has to be help some where , we are not giving up hope.
He is only 41. If anyone can help please let us know. Stacy
Connie Wagner
Phoenix, AZ
February 11, 2003 at 03:13
I have secondary lymphedema (left arm)since 7/01 due to lumpectomy,
lymph node removal & radiation. At times it is very painful. I have been through therapy 2 times &
wear a compression sleeve/glove every day with bandaging at night. At times I become very depressed
as I have always been a very active person & now it seems like I am so restricted. I agree there are
hardly any Dr's who know about lymphedema or even care. It seems like they all want to just turn away
& let you deal with it on your own. I would like to know if anyone has ever recovered from lymphedema.
I have heard people say they knew people that had it but it went away.
shirley cormell
villa rica,ga
, usa
February 11, 2003 at 00:49
never knew this was common. It is terrible.
February 3, 2003 at 14:19
In reference to swimming and lymphedema. It is one of the best
things you can do. When I went to a lymphedema clinic for swelling of my arm after breast cancer
treatment, I asked about taking a water aerobics class. The therapist told me that water therapy
or swimming was the absolute best thing for lymphedema as it gives even pressure and forces the fluids
to move. I started a water aerobics class 1 1/2 years ago and it has really made a big difference
in my arm. So jump in the pool and enjoy!!!!!!!!
Tenants Harbor
, United States
February 1, 2003 at 18:01
I have secondly lymphedema due to breast cancer and surgery. I have
just started getting cellulitus regularly, and am wondering if swimming would help or hurt this
condition? I like to swim, but have not done so since my surgery 1 1/2 years ago. I am hoping
the cancer is gone (you never know, as it had spread to my lymph nodes), but I want to get rid
of the cellulitus as well. Any advice about swimming would be helpful - I have not been able to
find anything on the NET about this. Thanks!
, England
January 15, 2003 at 05:50
I'm now 42 yrs old and have been suffering with swelling of my lower right leg and reacurring cellulitice since I was 26. It started out I suffered once a year then it went to twice a year and now I suffer with the swelling and infection for about 9 mths out of the year. If sit the leg swells if stand the legs swells it takes about a week of lying on my back with the leg elavated for the swelling to reduce and the infection to die down...my leg is discoloured and becomes so hard to touch it feels like a piece of wood...it at times turns black and I'm always in pain with it..I suffer fevers and chills and feel so ill at times that I've wished I could have the leg taken off...I've attended A&E I dont know how many times,I was always told I had celulitice and given antibiotics and told to rest the leg...(resting the leg has become a way of life)...I'm stuck in doors all the time and suffer from depression...I feel frustrated that for 16yrs I've not had any help with this, other than antibiotics...nobody seemed to have any answers to give me...so I changed doctors and my new Dr sent me to see a general surgeon and they have now found out through a MRI scan I had before christmas that I have lymphedema and he tells me that I will always suffer with this condition and has put me on a longterm course of antibiotics to help with the celulitice and given me a stocking to wear to help with the swelling. I still feel frustrated that its taken them 16 yrs to find out what was wrong with me and because of that the leg had got worse over the yrs.
Since I was told last week I've spent hrs searching through websites for information and was pleased
to come across this site and be able to read about other people and know that I'm not on my own and that
there are things I can do to help me...THANKS
January 15, 2003 at 01:33
ive just returned from the hospital, where ive left my mother-in-law
in agony with her second attack of ceullitis in 5 months, this time on both legs..
i tried to find some information on this subject on the internet, and found this site..wow,it really
opens your eyes!
can anyone explain more to me as how she might have developed this condition, how long it could
last..treatment and the future?
doctors here look at her legs and seem baffled, and dont have much to say on the subject!
she is on iv antibiotics right now, and has a temperature and high sugar count, she also has a racing
pulse..also constant vomiting.
wish i knew of a way to help her be more reassured about all this..but its all very frightening
thanks for any help anyone can offer..
West Bend
January 13, 2003 at 21:35
I am once again thankful for this website. I have previously written,
but wanted to ask a
question. I am 24 years old and have primary lymphedema in my left leg since I was 16. It is
manageable with a pump, stockings, and bandages and am thankful I have never had a serious
infection. However, my husband and I want to start a family. I am nervous about how pregnancy will
affect my lymphedema. If anyone has experienced pregnancy with lymphedema please write and tell me
the effects were during and after the pregnancy. Thank you.
Bob Strayer
Tyrone, Pa.
January 11, 2003 at 22:56
I've had lymphedema in both legs for several years. I was in my
30's when I was diagnosed with it. I'm now 44. My right leg is really bad. I was hospitalized 5
times with cellulitis in my right leg. I've tried the wraps on my legs, but couldn't stand it.
The stockings don't work for me. The swelling doesn't go down and I have severe pain all the time.
I can't do a lot of walking. I went to a wheel chair clinic and they tried to get a scooter for me.
I am on medicaid and was turned down twice for the scooter.
, usa
January 3, 2003 at 03:09
I have lymphedema for 12 years now. In my left hand and arm. I
can't find no dr. that knows anything about it. I live in Oklahoma. If anyone knows one, please let me
reuben levinton
allendale, NJ
, United States
December 18, 2002 at 15:49
I have a 2 1/2 year old great granddaughter who was born with lymphedema. This condition may have been
triggered by considerable radiation of her mother during the 5th week of pregnancy (the period in which
the lymphatic system is forming). Does anyone have any information about the relation, if any,
between radiation and primary lymphedema?
Mike Sproston
DeLand FL
December 5, 2002 at 02:24
Hi. I am a relatively healthy 50 year old white male
originally from Manchester UK, I have lived in Michigan(10 years) and Florida (17 years).
In May of 2002 I was bitten by fleas from a dead cat at work. From this I contracted a
severe case of cellulitis in my lower left leg from my knee to ankle. To further aggravate
my predicament the infection had reinfected scar tissue from a bursa operation done under my knee
that was done on 2000. After spending 13 days in hospital and various follow checks from infectious
disease Doctors to Vascular surgeon I found out today, December 4th 2002, that I have Lymphedema.
I already use compression stockings but I can tolerate that only 8-10 hours per day. I am still at
work on "light duty", but my job is multi-faceted and I am on my feet all day. Some days are good
and others are so-so. At night my legs ache even after soaking in a bath. My case is under insurance
(workers comp) and would like to know if any out there have had any similar experiences with insurance
companies and any remedies that might help. Thank-you
, pakistan
November 30, 2002 at 05:06
I am a sufferer of lymphedema. I have it in my right leg.
My age is 16 years. I study in college.
I want to get rid of this disease. Can any one give advice for it? Please contact me.
Christy Friesen
Oroville, Ca
November 3, 2002 at 15:34
18 years ago I had a breast reduction for fibrocystic disease,
and a few years
later a mastectomy of the left breast, 2 implant rupture's later and a severe
Staph infection, I thought the worst of my problems were over. How wrong I was.
After a small injury to my left arm in Jan. 2002, and seeing several Dr.s, having a MRI it was decided
I had a small tear in the rotator cup, I was sent to
a Physical Therapist, She was the one who realized I had secondary Lymphedema.
Now I knew why my left arm was so much bigger than my right arm. As at present
I am almost finished with the 24/7 bandaging, the sleeve is on it's was, and I am
finaly releived to know what has been wrong.
Cathy Benedict
Susquehanna, PA
November 2, 2002 at 02:38
Wow! I had no idea how serious and complicated this is. I'm lucky. Secondary Lymphedema, no pain, just swelling of the right arm. A biopsy of Lymph nodes in 1983. No Cancer. Developed LE in 1993. Have had recurrent cellulitis from small cuts. The infections have become more severe each time and harder to treat with antibiotics. The seriousness of untreated le was just recently pointed out to me by a cancer survivor with painful LE. Thats when I got on the web to find out what I might expect. Like most of you, I was not made aware of the disease nor the consequences if left untreated by any medical person. Thank you for your site. I am buying a compression sleeve right away.
Good Health to you all.
St. Louis
October 24, 2002 at 23:14
I have been informed that I have Lympedema. I have began to study
it and learned a lot, some of which I am not sure what it means. I mean, I noticed almost 10 years now
that my right leg seems to swell and my toes get small. My skin seems stretched so far that I get afraid
that it will explode. I am afraid that with all the walking and carrying I do (I am a vending person),
I will soon have to find a less strenuous means of employment. I do not move as quickly as before and
I am prone to fall especially since I have a tendency to drag my right foot. I am glad to see that I am
not the only person with these problems and I look forward to hearing from others and learning how to
deal with this malady.
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